Wendy Shillam ANutr RSPH MA MSc


My name is Wendy Shillam. I’m a registered clinical nutritionist. I specialise in women’s longevity.  I help peri- or post-menopausal women to lose weight.  I work with people who have dietary needs over and above those that a simple diet sheet might fix.  These are the sort of consultation questions I answer every day:

  • I’ve tried hundreds of diets and they don’t work
  • I’m trying to lose weight by cutting out sugar/fat/cake, and it’s not working
  • I’m losing weight, but I’m scared it’s just muscle loss
  • I’ve got diabetes type 2 and I feel in the current climate I need to lose some weight fast
  • My doctor has advised that I lose weight – help!
  • Ever since I reached menopause, my weight has been creeping up


If you are overweight, then losing just 5% of fat can make a difference to your health outcomes.  Losing 10% makes an even bigger difference.  If you are underweight you may be on track to becoming frail (an equally common issue for some women).  My mission is to help you improve your diet from day one, via detailed consultations.  Many of my clients start feeling better within a week or so.  But my advice needs to last a lifetime, so a lot of my work is helping you learn about nutrition, so that you can take charge of your own diet, forever.


Healthy nutrition is an learned skill – not a regimen imposed from outside.   In many cases strict diets are not necessary, Overweight or illness are often caused by eating too little of the right things, or even by  emotional issues, such as fatigue, or stress.  I treat the whole woman.  Often women actually need more food – at more regular intervals  – not less.  So my ‘diets’ are aimed at helping clients back to enjoying their food, discarding the guilt and embracing variety and plenty.


I am a practitioner and a health writer, having worked for the websites of various health charities and not-for-profits inlcuding Cancer Research UK and Say Tomato! Journalists are welcome to contact me for interviews, information, myth busting or fact checking.  My book for men and women about happy and healthy ageing, entitled Glorious Summer is available in all good bookstores.

“A long and happy life stems from being content about the past, optimistic for the future and engaged in the present.”


 I work from Great Titchfield Street in London W1 and offer further appointments in Barcelona and Malaga.  Each consultation is individually tailored to your requirements.  Contact me to hear about the various packages I can offer, from a one-off consultation to three,six or ten sessions.

Contact: If you have any questions or would like to make a booking please write to me at: Wendy@WendyShillam.co.uk, or send me a message using the system at the bottom of this page.

My approach is scientific, empathetic and pragmatic.

I work with peri- and post-menopausal women, at or after the change of life,  who need to lose weight or who would like to radically improve their diets.  I can also help if you are suffering from digestion issues, diabetes type 2, frailty, fatigue or low mood – all of which can have a nutritional cause.  As we get older our nutritional needs can change radically.  A diet that worked when you were twenty, won’t work if you’re 40, and certainly will need some major modification if you’re 80.  In my clinic there is no upper age limit.


I’m always pleased to hear from people and help if I can.